Here are some websites that have really helped me so far. If you enjoyed anything on the page and would like to look into it more, here’s where you’ll probably find it.

There were two websites where I went for most of the interviews with musicians. Esquire and Rolling Stone.
Here you’ll be able to read the interviews themselves or look into something else. You’ll also find interesting articles about topics they feel are important or sometimes an article that’s just for fun. There are tons of interesting things on there, so explore and have fun.

The Telegraph is another interesting website I ran across. There are a lot of interesting articles here that anybody who likes music should be able to enjoy. You can also find music news and some really good reviews for musicians and songs.

Also, if you’re interested in the interpretation of songs, Age of Aquarius might be a good site for you to visit. They can give you a few interesting ideas for how different songs can be interpreted, although the final decision on what a song means should come from you. The website won’t have every song on it, but it should be able to at least give you an idea for a new way to look at things.

Another site where you may be able to find some interesting music news is NPR. There are some interesting interviews here that can give you an idea of who an artist really is. This is also a good website to go to if you want to discover new music because they keep a running track of new songs from all different genres.

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