Rants & Raves

Music Tastes vs Age

20 years old–Time to Explore:

adult listning to musicOn an article posted online, Lara Unnerstall discusses a new study that suggests that people stop listening to new music at age 33.According to the study, we start out listening to nothing but the top music hits when we’re teenagers. We only hear what’s popular. Then, in our twenties, we start to explore new music that we didn’t listen to as teenagers. We listen to bands that aren’t very popular.

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Musical Cooperation

Turn that s**t off!

“Turn that s**t off!” How many of us heard that as kids living with our parents?Personally, I was never musicallowed to play music when my dad was at home, whether it was listening to the radio or playing the guitar. My father hated hearing my music. Many other parents are the same way.

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