Music Tastes vs Age

20 years old–Time to Explore:

adult listning to musicOn an article posted online, Lara Unnerstall discusses a new study that suggests that people stop listening to new music at age 33.According to the study, we start out listening to nothing but the top music hits when we’re teenagers. We only hear what’s popular. Then, in our twenties, we start to explore new music that we didn’t listen to as teenagers. We listen to bands that aren’t very popular. This is the period of time when our music taste expands the most and we are the most diverse in our musical tastes. The when we hit our thirties, we go back to listening to the music that was popular when we were teenagers, although it isn’t popular anymore. teenager listening to musicWe don’t explore new music, we don’t listen to the music we found when we were in our twenties. We just stick to the hits of our teenage years. I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait to see some thirty year old woman in a bedazzled T-shirt singing along to Justin Bieber!

Assembly-line Humans:

kid listening to musicHonestly, I’ve never met a single person who fits this description, except maybe my mother. As a teenager, I mostly listened to rock music that came out when I was still in diapers. I had some friends who listened to music that wasn’t very popular, but still came out in our teenage years. I had some friends who listened to music that wasn’t even popular when we were kids. I have friends who are in their thirties and listen to what’s popular on the radio now. Not a single person I’ve met falls into the musical tastes that this study says they should. Personally, I think every person has a musical taste. Every person has something that they listen to most often. I also think every person goes through a stage when they explore music the most. I don’t think it has to happen when we’re in our twenties but for some people, that could be when it hits. For me, I’ve been in that stage since I was old-man-listening-to-musicsixteen. At some point, they’ll probably start reintroducing the music they listened to before, but it won’t be a full return to what they listened to before they started exploring. It’ll probably be a mixture of both the music you had before and the music you found that you liked. It almost certainly won’t be just a revisit to the FM stations of our childhoods. I’m not saying that there isn’t a single person who fits that description. I knew a lot of people who did listen to popular music stations a lot. However, popular music tends to be of similar genres. I don’t think they’re listening to popular music because it’s popular. I think they’re listening to popular music person listening to musicbecause that’s the genre that they like. I’ve also seen those same people start their musical exploration phase, but not when this study says they should have. Maybe this study describes the scientists who were conducting it, but it doesn’t fit many others, probably because we’re not machines. We didn’t just hop off an assembly line. We each have a different and unique mind, which means we all have different and unique tastes.

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